Project Description

École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen
The national college of engineering of Caen gave as objective to guarantee an offer of effective and relevant training in the world of today, and it on a wide spectre of fields of activity. Our narrow relations with the industrial world allow, at the same time, to estimate better the needs for the company and to adapt so our offer of training.
By making the company participate in the training of our pupils by trainings by learning, the intervention in courts, internships and development of technological platforms, we create a privileged link parking of a fast insertion in active life.
We also lean on a rare potential of search in the domains of the physics, of the chemistry, the computing or the electronics. The establishment is involved in the investments of future through its research center. Our laboratories allow a link between the most fundamental science and the application between the academic world and that of the company.
To train competent and operational engineers capable of adapting itself to the needs for a world in perpetual evolution, such is the ambition of the ENSICAEN.
The national college of engineering of Caen gave as objective to guarantee an offer of effective and relevant formation in the world of today, and it on a wide spectre of fields of activity.
You benefit from the closeness of our 6 common research laboratories
ENSICAEN is a school situated at the heart of the scientific tray and forms engineers in the innovation and in the entrepreneurship, with a robust scientific formation.
The national college of engineering of Caen gave as objective to guarantee an offer of effective and relevant training in the world of today, and it on a wide spectre of fields of activity.
You benefit from the closeness of our 6 common research laboratories. THE ENSICAEN, the public school situated at the heart of the scientific tray, in the North of Caen, train engineers in the innovation and in the entrepreneurship, with a robust scientific training.
Situated at 2 hour from Paris by train, Caen is situated unless 10 kilometers of the Norman bank and welcomes every year more than 24 000 students.
The city offers to its inhabitants a living environment of an exceptional quality: a marina at the heart of the city, numerous parks and gardens as well as a remarkable architectural heritage and cultural. Caennais has access to the beach as to the forest in only some kilometers of the city center.
Border city of the South of England, the Cross-Channel Ferry binds the Port of Caen with Porsmouth (at 1:30 am of London by car) within 4:00 am.
This formation exist in sandwich training.