Project Description

ENSEIRB-MATMECA is one of the graduates school of Bordeaux Institute of Technology. ENSEIRB-MATMECA trains engineers to take up the major challenges of the 21st century with all the skills required to design complex systems such as information systems, telecommunications networks, space and aeronautics and energy production systems. These sectors of the future driven by technological innovation offer our graduates excellent employment opportunities, as well as rich and varied career prospects.
A few hours away from Paris, in a city Elected ” Best European destination “, ENSEIRB-MATMECA is a member engineering school Bordeaux INP. It is also a member of the institute MINES TELECOM.
First school of Nouvelle Aquitaine with more than 1200 engineering students, it formation is recognized for its dynamism, of the quality of its teachings and its recognition with companies.
– An opening on international careers and on entrepreneurship
– A school to learn to develop his autonomy:
Projects, internships, personal work
– a student life rich in cultural, sports, humanitarian and festive activities
The graduate school of Electronics, Computing, Telecommunications, Mathematical and mechanical of Bordeaux is an engineering school forming engineers with strong scientific and technical skills, ready to answer the big stakes in the digital world: ecological mobility, transport of future, medicine of future, economy of data, intelligent objects, digital trust.
It proposes a formation centred on innovative projects and leans on the performance of her research laboratories, recognized by the national and international level among the best of their speciality.
“Being at the end of program in IT sector, the closeness with the employers allowed me to realize that the acquired technical skills are perfectly in adequacy with the current business world and of tomorrow. Thanks to my experiences, I had no evil to find an internship of pre-hiring in the sector which fascinates me and where I feel at ease. I owe him to a school worried about the well-being of his pupils and about their emancipation, so personal as professional.”
Rémi, former student at ENSEIRB-MATMECA