The renew of our agreements between the University of HUST (Wuhan, China) for dual degree and student mobility with Ampère network has been signed at HUST University Marc 30th 2018, in a one-hour ceremony. The Consul Général de France at Wuhan (Olivier Guyonvarch) honored us with participating in this ceremony. Pr Christophe Collet (President of Ampère network and Dean of Télécom Physique Strasbourg) and the Vice-président of Hust University Prof. CHEN Jianguo signed 3 agreements for coopération in the framework of student mobility and dual degree. Professeurs Xiaofei Liao (Director of International Exchange Center), Pr Jun-Hua Liu (Dean of school for international Education), M. He Gang (deputy director of International Exchange Center), Philippe Maurin (Attaché pour la Science et la Technologie at french Consulate) and Sébastien Bédé (attaché de coopération universitaire at french Consulate) were among us during the ceremony . The Ampere network was represented by his president, as well as Sylvain Lecler (Physical Telecom Strasbourg) and Eric Ziad-Forest (ENSICAEN). The signed agreements will allow to amplify the scientific cooperation with the University of HUST, among the very first Chinese Universities, during five years until 2023.